News and articles from your friends at Symphonia

Our most recent articles

Using Cicada

Cicada Note #3 - A demonstration of Cicada’s web interface and notifications

Cicada's High-Level AWS Service Architecture

Cicada Note #2 - Drilling into Cicada’s architecture by one level to look at the primary AWS services used, and the interactions between them.

Cicada's Interface Architecture

Cicada Note #1 - Cicada’s top-level components and the interfaces between then.

Introducing Cicada

Cicada is an application that is both a full example of building a real application using Serverless techniques on AWS, and also a practical monitoring tool for GitHub. This article introduces Cicada, and Cicada Notes.

Symphonia's March 2023 newsletter

Serverless in 2023 - a chasm crossed?

Serverless in 2023

I was recently a guest on the ThoughtWorks Tech Podcast to give my thoughts about the state of Serverless today. We covered a lot, but the main conversation points to me were:

AWS Lambda SnapStart - How

The second of two articles about AWS Lambda SnapStart, this looks at how developers can update their existing Java Lambda applications to use SnapStart, and what performance improvements they might expect to see.

AWS Lambda SnapStart - What, and Why

At reInvent 2022 AWS announced “SnapStart” - a new Lambda capability to drastically improve cold starts when using Lambda with Java, or other JVM languages.

Lambda Powertools - great defaults for batteries that aren't quite (but should be) included

AWS Lambda is my preferred runtime environment for cloud-based code. Lambda has gained many, many, features over the eight years since it was launched. Most of these are focussed on the Lambda runtime - more CPUs, more memory, different CPU architectures, many more language runtimes, custom runtimes, integration with approximately a bajillion other services, etc.